🎮 Execution Control - Managing Your FaaS Functions
Welcome to the execution control guide! Learn how to manage, monitor, and control your FaaS function executions like a pro. Let's explore how to handle long-running tasks, implement graceful termination, and monitor execution status.
🛑 Execution Termination
Graceful Termination with Checkpoints
Need to safely stop a long-running execution? Use checkpoints to implement graceful termination:
class ServiceRunner(dl.BaseServiceRunner):
def train_model(self, item: dl.Item, progress: dl.Progress):
# Initialize training
model = list()
for epoch in range(100):
# Check for termination request before each epoch
# Train for one epoch
train_loss = model.append(epoch)
# Save checkpoint
# Check again after expensive operation
# Update progress
progress.update(progress=epoch, message=f'Epoch {epoch}: loss={train_loss}')
Triggering Termination
Terminate an execution from another process:
# Get the execution
execution = dl.executions.get(execution_id='execution-id')
# Request termination
# Wait for termination to complete
execution = execution.wait()
print(f"Execution status: {execution.latest_status['status']}")
⏲️ Execution Timeout Management
Setting Timeout Duration
Control how long your function can run:
# Get your service
service = dl.services.get(service_name='my-service')
# Set timeout in seconds
service.execution_timeout = 3600 # 1 hour
# For longer tasks
service.execution_timeout = 86400 # 24 hours
Configuring Timeout Behavior
Choose what happens when timeout occurs:
# Option 1: Mark as failed (default)
service.on_reset = 'failed'
# Option 2: Automatically retry
service.on_reset = 'rerun'
📊 Execution Monitoring
Basic Status Monitoring
Monitor a single execution:
# Get execution by ID
execution = dl.executions.get(execution_id='execution-id')
# Wait for completion
execution = execution.wait()
print(f"Status: {execution.latest_status['status']}")
print(f"Duration: {execution.duration:.2f} seconds")
Execution Logs
Access execution logs for debugging:
# Get execution logs
execution = dl.executions.get(execution_id='execution-id')
logs = execution.logs()
# Stream logs in real-time
for log in execution.logs(follow=True):
print(f"{log['timestamp']}: {log['message']}")
🔄 Execution Retry Management
Manual Retry
Retry failed executions:
# Get failed execution
execution = dl.executions.get(execution_id='failed-execution-id')
# Retry with same parameters
new_execution = execution.rerun()
# Wait for completion
new_execution = new_execution.wait()
print(f"Retry status: {new_execution.latest_status['status']}")
💡 Pro Tips & Best Practices
Resource Management
- Implement regular checkpoints in long-running tasks
- Save intermediate results when possible
- Clean up temporary resources in case of termination
Error Handling
- Use try/finally blocks for cleanup
- Implement proper logging for debugging
- Handle different types of termination gracefully
Performance Optimization
- Monitor execution duration trends
- Adjust timeouts based on actual needs
- Use appropriate instance types for your workload
Monitoring Guidelines
- Set up alerts for failed executions
- Monitor resource usage patterns
- Keep track of execution duration statistics
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