Upload & Manage Data & Metadata

Upload Specific Files

When you have specific files you want to upload, you can upload them all into a dataset using this script:

project_name = 'project_name'
dataset_name = 'dataset_name'
local_path = [r'C:/home/project/images/John Morris.jpg',
              r'C:/home/project/images/John Benton.jpg',
              r'C:/home/project/images/Liu Jinli.jpg']
remote_path = '/folder_name'
import dtlpy as dl
if dl.token_expired():
project = dl.projects.get(project_name=project_name)
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name=dataset_name)
                     remote_path=remote_path)  # Remote path is optional, images will go to the root directory by default

Upload All Files in a Folder

If you want to upload all files from a folder, you can do that by just specifying the folder name:

project_name = 'project_name'
dataset_name = 'dataset_name'
local_path = r'C:/home/project/images'
remote_path = '/folder_name'
import dtlpy as dl
if dl.token_expired():
project = dl.projects.get(project_name=project_name)
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name=dataset_name)
                     remote_path=remote_path)  # Remote path is optional, images will go to the root directory by default

Upload Items From URL Links

You can provide Dataloop with the link to the item, and not necessarily the item itself.

dataset_name = 'dataset_name'
file_name = 'file_name.jpg'
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name=dataset_name)
url_path = 'http://ww.some_website/beautiful_flower.jpg'
# Create link
link = dl.UrlLink(ref=url_path, mimetype='image', name=file_name)
# Upload link
item = dataset.items.upload(local_path=link)

You can open an item uploaded to Dataloop by opening it in a viewer.


Upload Items with Metadata

You can upload items as a table using a Pandas DataFrame that will let you upload items with info (annotations, metadata such as confidence, filename, etc.) attached to it.

dataset_id = 'id'
# First item:
local_path1 = r"E:\TypesExamples\000000000064.jpg"
local_annotations_path1 = r"E:\TypesExamples\000000000776.json"
remote_path1 = '/first'
remote_name1 = 'f.jpg'
item_metadata1 = {'user': {'dummy': 'fir'}}
# Second item:
local_path2 = r"E:\TypesExamples\000000000776.jpg"
local_annotations_path2 = r"E:\TypesExamples\000000000776.json"
remote_path2 = "/second"
remote_name2 = 's.jpg'
item_metadata2 = {'user': {'dummy': 'sec'}}
import pandas
import dtlpy as dl
dataset = dl.datasets.get(dataset_id=dataset_id)  # Get dataset
to_upload = list()
# First item and info attached:
to_upload.append({'local_path': local_path1,  # Local path to image
                  'local_annotations_path': local_annotations_path1,  # Local path to annotation file
                  'remote_path': remote_path1,  # Remote directory of uploaded image
                  'remote_name': remote_name1,  # Remote name of image
                  'item_metadata': item_metadata1})  # Metadata for the created item
# Second item and info attached:
to_upload.append({'local_path': local_path2,  # Local path to image
                  'local_annotations_path': local_annotations_path2,  # Local path to annotation file
                  'remote_path': remote_path2,  # Remote directory of uploaded image
                  'remote_name': remote_name2,  # Remote name of image
                  'item_metadata': item_metadata2})  # Metadata for the created item
df = pandas.DataFrame(to_upload)  # Make data into DF table
items = dataset.items.upload(local_path=df,
                             overwrite=True)  # Upload DF to platform

Upload Numpy Arrays Directly

You can upload numpy arrays directly to Dataloop.
NOTE: You will have to specify the remote_name, otherwise the upload will fail.

Load the image using cv2 or Pillow (or create one using Python) and then upload it to a Dataset:

import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Load image with cv2
img = cv2.imread("/home/tmp/saturn.jpg")
# Load image with PIL
img = np.asarray(Image.open("/home/tmp/saturn.jpg"))
# Get dataset
dataset = dl.datasets.get(dataset_id='<dataset id>')
item = dataset.items.upload(local_path=img, remote_name='saturn.jpg')