DQL Cookbook: Practical Examples 🍳
Welcome to our DQL cookbook! Here you'll find tasty recipes for common filtering scenarios. Each example is ready to use - just copy, paste, and adjust to your needs!
Filter Operators Toolbox 🧰
Let's start with the essential operators you'll need:
Equal (eq) 🎯
# Example: Find items in a specific folder
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='dir', values='/DatasetFolderName', operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_EQUAL)
filters.sort_by(field='filename') # Optional: sort by name
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items in folder')
Not Equal (ne) ❌
# Example: Find items without a specific label
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add_join(field='label', values='cat', operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_NOT_EQUAL)
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items without cat label')
Greater Than (gt) and Less Than (lt) ⚖️
# Example 1: Items with height > X pixels
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='metadata.system.height', values=height_number_in_pixels,
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items taller than {height_number_in_pixels}px')
# Example 2: Items with width < X pixels
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='metadata.system.width', values=width_number_in_pixels,
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items narrower than {width_number_in_pixels}px')
In List (in) 📝
# Example: Find items with multiple labels
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add_join(field='label', values=['dog', 'cat'], operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_IN)
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items with dog or cat labels')
Exists ✨
# Example: Find items with user metadata
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='metadata.user', values=True, operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_EXISTS)
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items with user metadata')
Filtering by Annotations 🏷️
Finding Items by Label
Need items with a specific label? Here's your go-to recipe:
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add_join(field='label', values='your_label_value')
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items with your label')
Items Without a Specific Label
Want to find items that DON'T have a certain label? Here's a clever approach:
# Get all items
all_items = set([item.id for item in dataset.items.list().all()])
# Get items WITH the label 'cat'
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add_join(field='label', values='cat')
cat_items = set([item.id for item in dataset.items.list(filters=filters).all()])
# Find the difference - items without 'cat' label
no_cat_items = all_items.difference(cat_items)
print(f'Found {len(no_cat_items)} items without cat label')
# Process the results
for item_id in no_cat_items:
item = dataset.items.get(item_id=item_id)
print(f'Processing: {item.name}')
OR Filtering of Annotations
Want items with either type of annotation? Here's how:
filters = dl.Filters(resource=dl.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION)
# Find box OR point annotations
filters.add(field='type', values='/box', method=dl.FiltersMethod.OR)
filters.add(field='type', values='/point', method=dl.FiltersMethod.OR)
filters.sort_by(field='createdAt', value=dl.FILTERS_ORDERBY_DIRECTION_DESCENDING)
pages = dataset.annotations.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} box or point annotations')
Filtering by Status 📊
Finding Items by Annotation Status
Want items that are completed or approved? Take your pick:
# Both completed AND approved
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='metadata.system.annotationStatus', values=["completed", "approved"])
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} completed and approved items')
# Just completed (including approved)
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='metadata.system.annotationStatus', values="completed")
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} completed items')
# Only completed (excluding approved)
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='metadata.system.annotationStatus', values=["completed"])
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items with completed status only')
Finding Unassigned Items
Looking for items nobody's working on?
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='metadata.system.refs', values=[])
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} unassigned items')
File and Folder Operations 📁
Filtering by Folder
Want items from a specific folder?
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='dir', values="/folderName")
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items in folder')
Finding Specific Files
Looking for files with a particular name pattern?
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='name', values='foo.bar.*')
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} matching files')
Working with Hidden Items
Need to see hidden items and directories?
# Method 1: Show directories
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='type', values='dir')
# Method 2: Remove type filter
filters = dl.Filters()
# Method 3: Disable defaults
filters = dl.Filters(use_defaults=False)
Advanced Sorting and Filtering 🎯
Size-Based Sorting
Want to find and sort files within a specific size range?
filters = dl.Filters()
# Between 0 and 5 MB
filters.add(field='metadata.system.size', values='0', operator='gt')
filters.add(field='metadata.system.size', values='5242880', operator='lt')
filters.sort_by(field='filename', value=dl.FILTERS_ORDERBY_DIRECTION_ASCENDING)
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} files between 0-5MB')
Multi-Field Sorting
Need to sort by multiple criteria? We've got you covered:
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.resource = dl.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION
# Sort by label (A-Z) then creation date (newest first)
filters.sort_by(field='label', value=dl.FILTERS_ORDERBY_DIRECTION_ASCENDING)
filters.sort_by(field='createdAt', value=dl.FILTERS_ORDERBY_DIRECTION_DESCENDING)
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} sorted items')
Time-Based Filtering ⏰
Finding Items by Date Range
Need items from a specific time period? Here's how to handle UTC time properly:
import datetime
# Option 1: Absolute dates (e.g., May 2-3, 2024)
earlier = datetime.datetime(year=2024, month=5, day=2, hour=0, minute=0, second=0).isoformat()
later = datetime.datetime(year=2024, month=5, day=3, hour=0, minute=0, second=0).isoformat()
# Option 2: Relative time (e.g., last hour)
earlier = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)).isoformat()
later = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
# Apply the filter
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='createdAt', values=earlier, operator=dl.FiltersOperations.GREATER_THAN)
filters.add(field='createdAt', values=later, operator=dl.FiltersOperations.LESS_THAN)
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items in time range')
Working with Custom Filters 🛠️
Using Platform-Generated DQL
Have a DQL JSON from the platform? Use it directly:
filters = dl.Filters(
"$and": [
{"hidden": False},
{"type": "file"},
{"annotated": True}
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
print(f'Found {pages.items_count} items matching custom filter')
Opening Filters in the UI
Want to see your filter in action in the platform?
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='annotated', values=True)
Managing Filters
Need to remove a filter? Here's how:
filters = dl.Filters()
# Add a filter
filters.add(field='to-delete-field', values='value')
# Remove it
# Or for annotation filters
Need More Advanced Options? 🚀
For even more filtering power, check out our Advanced SDK Filters guide.
Happy filtering! 🎉