Prompt Item
We use prompts and conversations using json files. In those files you can create prompts of all kinds and add multiple prompts to simulate a conversation. Example for a json prompt file:
"shebang": "dataloop",
"metadata": {
"dltype": "prompt"
"prompts": {
"prompt#1": [
"mimetype": "application/text",
"value": "please generate image of a donkey"
An example of a prompt containing both text and an image (change to your item id):
"shebang": "dataloop",
"metadata": {
"dltype": "prompt"
"prompts": {
"1": [{
"mimetype": "image/*",
"value": "<item-id>/stream"
"mimetype": "application/text",
"value": "What's in these images?"
The prompts
are a list to support multiple prompts in a single file.
Each prompt can contains multiple sections, e.g. text and image.
Creating a Prompt
First we create a project and a dataset
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='<project name>')
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name='prompts')
Now we can create a single prompt with multiple elements. The name of the file is the PromptItem name
# Crteate a prompt item entity
prompt_item = dl.PromptItem(name='<your prompt item name>')
# Create the prompt with ID
prompt1 = dl.Prompt(key='<your-key>')
# Add a text component
prompt1.add_element(mimetype=dl.PromptType.TEXT, value='who are you')
# Add an image component
prompt1.add_element(mimetype=dl.PromptType.IMAGE, value=dl.items.get(item_id='64f5bd67a9163562961377f5').stream)
# Add the prompt to the promptItem
For conversation, we can add multiple prompts with unique IDs:
prompt2 = dl.Prompt(key='2')
prompt2.add_element(mimetype=dl.PromptType.TEXT, value='where are you from')
prompt2.add_element(mimetype=dl.PromptType.AUDIO, value='http://item.jpg')
# Add the second prompt to the prompt item
And just upload the prompt item:
item: dl.Item = dataset.items.upload(prompt_item, overwrite=True)
You can upload prompt same as all other files/entities. For example, using a list of prompts items:
items = dataset.items.upload([prompts_item_1,
Or an entire directory of prompts json files:
items = dataset.items.upload('/user/prompts')
Prompt Annotations (Responses)
The prompt responses are basically annotations in the platform. We introduce those annotations type:
- FreeText
- RefImage
- RefVideo (Not available yet)
- RefAudio (Not available yet)
To upload text response for a prompt you need to connect the annotation to the prompt key:
item = dl.items.get(item_id='<prompt item id>')
prompt_item = dl.PromptItem.from_item(item)
# Add annotations
prompt_item.add(message={"role": "assistant",
"content": [{"mimetype": dl.PromptType.TEXT,
"value": 'My name is botman'}]},
model_info={'name': '<model name>',
'confidence': 1.0,
'model_id': '<model id>'})
Image Response
This annotation type is used to annotate prompt text or input image with an output image. For example, generative model receive a text input and generate an image. This is how you can upload images as annotations to other items:
import dtlpy as dl
item = dl.items.get(item_id='64f6e6010871e45536fc5e8f')
dataset = item.dataset
# Upload the image you want to reference
output = dataset.items.upload(local_path=r"E:\TypesExamples\troy_and_abed.jpeg",
# Add annotations
annotation_collection: dl.AnnotationCollection = item.annotations.builder()
model_info={'name': 'stable-diffusion',
'confidence': 0.96})
Same structure could be applied for url reference:
annotation_collection: dl.AnnotationCollection = item.annotations.builder()
model_info={'name': 'stable-diffusion',
'confidence': 0.96})