Analytics Overview
In the Dataloop platform, we have an analytics screen where different metrics like Active users, Annotator's performance, Total working time, Item annotation time, etc. can be tracked at a project, dataset, or task level which would help the business.
To retrieve metrics from the API, you'll need to send a JSON payload containing the desired metrics and time period for analysis. This payload is essential for specifying which analytics data you want to track and analyze.
Example of Fetching Active Users in a Project
import dtlpy as dl
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='my project')
payload = {
"startTime": project.created_at,
"endTime": None,
"context": {"projectId": []},
"measures": [{"measureType": "activeUsers"}]
success, resp = dl.client_api.gen_request(req_type="post",
samples = resp.json()
Understanding the Payload
The JSON payload mainly has 4 keys:
startTime: A mandatory key representing the time from which the metrics need to be fetched. The API throws an error if this key is missing.
endTime: An optional key. If not provided, the API uses the
by default.context: The context refers to the dimensions for which the metrics need to be fetched. Below is the list of dimensions that can be passed to the API for fetching the metrics. These dimensions are optional and may vary from query to query depending on the use case. The dimensions must be passed as a list of strings; otherwise, the API will throw an ERROR..
Dimensions for Context
: string[]orgId
: string[]projectId
: string[]accountId
: string[]datasetId
: string[]taskId
: string[]assignmentId
: string[]itemId
: string[]serviceId
: string[]podId
: string[]modelId
: string[]snapshotId
: string[]pipelineId
: string[]triggerId
: string[]pipelineExecutionId
: string[]nodeId
: string[]ontologyId
: string[]
measures: Specifies the metrics the users wish to fetch. It includes keys like
, andtimeGranularity
.TimeGranularity Type
- SECOND = 'second'
- MINUTE = 'minute'
- HOUR = 'hour'
- DAY = 'day'
- WEEK = 'week'
- MONTH = 'month'
List of Measure Types
- ANNOTATION_TIMELINE = 'annotationTimeline'
- ITEM_STATUS_TIMELINE = 'itemStatusTimeline'
- AVG_ANNOTATION_TIME_PER_LABEL = 'avgAnnotationTimePerLabel'
- ITEM_ANNOTATION_DURATION = 'itemAnnotationDuration'
- COUNT_ITEM_IN_ANNOTATION_TIME_BUCKET = 'countItemInAnnotationTimeBucket'
- AVG_ITEM_ANNOTATION_TIME_PER_ANNOTATOR = 'avgItemAnnotationTimePerAnnotator'
- ASSIGNMENT_STATS_COMPLETED_STATUS = 'assignmentStatsCompletedStatus'
- ASSIGNMENT_STATS_ITEM_ACTIVE_TIME_STATS = 'assignmentStatsItemActiveTimeStats'
- ASSIGNMENT_STATS_ITEM_TOTAL_TIME = 'assignmentStatsItemTotalTime'
- ASSIGNMENT_STATS_ANNOTATION_ACTION_TIME_STATS = 'assignmentStatsAnnotationActionTimeStats'
- ASSIGNMENT_STATS_ANNOTATION_CLASSIFY_BULK_STATS = 'assignmentStatsAnnotationClassifyBulkStats'
- ASSIGNMENT_STATS_ACTIVE_TIME = 'assignmentStatsActiveTime'
- ASSIGNMENT_STATS_STUDIO_ACTIVE_TIME = 'assignmentStatsStudioActiveTime'
- ASSIGNMENT_START_TIME = 'assignmentStartTime'
- ACTIVE_USERS = 'activeUsers'
- LABELING_COUNTERS = 'labelingCounters'
- LABELING_ACTION_PER_LABEL = 'labelingActionsPerLabel'
- LABELING_TIME_PER_LABEL = 'labelingTimePerLabel'
- LABELING_AVG_TIME_PER_LABEL = 'labelingAvgTimePerLabel'
- USER_STATS_TASK_ACTIVITY_TIME = 'userStatsTaskActivityTime'
- USER_STATS_ACTIVITY_TIME = 'userStatsActivityTime'
- USER_STATS_ACTIVITY_TIME_BY_ROLE = 'userStatsActivityTimeByRole'
- USER_STATS_ACTIVITY_TIME_BY_FIELD = 'userStatsActivityTimeByField'
- USER_STATS_TOTAL_ACTIVITY_TIME = 'userStatsTotalActivityTime'
- USER_STATS_STUDIO_TIME = 'userStatsStudioTime'
- ISSUE_COUNTERS = 'issueCounters'
- ISSUE_CORRECTION_TIME = 'issueCorrectionTime'
- ISSUE_RAISE_TIME = 'issueRaiseTime'
- ISSUE_RESOLVE_TIME = 'issueResolveTime'
- ISSUE_APPROVAL_TIME = 'issueApprovalTime'
- ISSUE_TIMELINE = 'issueTimeline'
- ISSUE_PER_LABEL = 'issuePerLabel'
- ISSUE_PER_ANNOTATOR = 'issuePerAnnotator'
- SERVICE_REPLICA_STATUS = 'serviceReplicaStatus'
- SERVICE_QUEUE_SIZE = 'serviceQueueSize'
- SERVICE_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS = 'serviceNumberOfReplicas'
- SERVICE_USAGE = 'serviceUsage'
- SERVICE_USAGE_PROJECTS = 'serviceUsageProjects'
- SNAPSHOT_DATA = 'snapshotData'
- EXECUTION_OVER_TIME = 'executionOverTime'
- EXECUTION_DURATION = 'executionDuration'
- EXECUTION_COUNT_BY_FUNCTIONS = 'executionCountByFunction'
- EXECUTION_AVG_DURATION_BY_NODE = 'executionAvgDurationByNode'
- PIPELINE_EXECUTION_AVG_DURATION = 'pipelineExecutionAvgDuration'
The following code is used to extract the metrics shown in the image above. In the payload, datasetId
and userId
are optional parameters.
is not provided:
By default, it will pick "hour" as thetimeGranularity
. In the example code below, "hour" and "day" are passed astimeGranularity
, and the response will include both hour-level and day-level data.If neither
is provided: The data will be fetched for all items available in the datasets for theprojectId
.If both parameters are provided: The data will be extracted specifically based on the given parameters.
import dtlpy as dl
import pandas as pd
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='my project')
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name='my dataset')
payload = {
"startTime": project.created_at,
"endTime": None,
"context": {
"projectId": [],
"datasetId": []
"measures": [
"measureType": "countItemInAnnotationTimeBucket",
"sortDirection": "descending",
"timeGranularity": ["hour", "day"]
success, resp = dl.client_api.gen_request(req_type="post",
samples = resp.json()
if samples[0]['response']:
hour_data = samples[0]['response']
hour_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data=hour_data)
if samples[1]['response']:
day_data = samples[1]['response']
day_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data=day_data)