
Dataloop Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a compute service that automatically runs your code based on time patterns, in response to trigger events or UI actions.

You can use Dataloop FaaS to extend other Dataloop services with custom logic. Altogether, FaaS serves as a super flexible unit that provides you with increased capabilities in the Dataloop platform and allows achieving any need while automating processes.

With Dataloop FaaS, you simply upload your code and create your functions. Following that, you can define a time interval or specify a resource event for triggering the function. When a trigger event occurs, the FaaS platform launches and manages the compute resources, and executes the function.

You can configure the compute settings according to your preferences (machine types, concurrency, timeout, etc.) or use the default settings.

Use Cases

Pre annotation processing: Resize, video assembler, video dissembler

Post annotation processing: Augmentation, crop box-annotations, auto-parenting, input/output validation

ML models: Auto-detection

QA models: Auto QA, consensus model, majority vote model

ML ops: Extractions (CSV, JSON, ZIP, REST API's, etc.), Enrichment (Features, Annotations, etc.), Masking (Privacy)