Dataset Binding with Azure

We will create an Azure Function App to continuously sync a blob with Dataloop's dataset

If you want to catch events from the Azure blob and update the Dataloop Dataset you need to set up a blob function.
The function will catch the blob storage events and will reflect them into the Dataloop Platform.

If you are familiar with Azure Function App, you can just use our integration function below.

We assume you already have an Azure account with resource group and storage account. If you don't, follow the Azure docs and create them.

Create the Blob Function

  1. Create a Container in the created Storage account
    • Public access level -> Container OR Blob
      NOTE: This container should be used as the external storage for the Dataloop dataset.
  2. Go back to Function App and click Create -> to create a new function
    • Choose Subscription
    • Choose your Resource Group
    • Choose Function Name
    • Publish -> Code
    • Runtime stack -> Python
    • Version -> 3.10 >= Version >= 3.7
      NOTE: when choosing python 3.7 please pay attention to the AOL warning
    • Choose Region
    • Use default values for all other options (OS and Plan ...)
    • Press next and choose your Storage account
    • Review and create

Deploy your function

In VS code, flow the instructions in azure docs to configure your environment and deploy the function:

  1. Configure your environment
  2. Sign in to Azure
  3. Create your local project
    • On VS code go to Azure panel -> workspace (bottom left panel)-> create a function
    • Choose the directory location for your project workspace and choose Select.
      You should either create a new folder or choose an empty folder for the project workspace.
      Don't choose a project folder that is already part of a workspace.
    • In Select a template for your project's first function choose -> Azure Event Grid trigger
    • Open the code file
    • In the requirements.txt file -> add dtlpy
    • Replace the code on _ _ init _ _ .py file with the presented code snippet
      NOTE: Make sure you save the file on Vs code - If not it will not be deployed to Azure
import azure.functions as func
import os
os.environ["DATALOOP_PATH"] = "/tmp"
import dtlpy as dl
dataset_id = os.environ.get('DATASET_ID')
dtlpy_username = os.environ.get('DTLPY_USERNAME')
dtlpy_password = os.environ.get('DTLPY_PASSWORD')
container_name = os.environ.get('CONTAINER_NAME')
def main(event: func.EventGridEvent):
    url = event.get_json()['url']
    if container_name in url:
        dl.login_m2m(email=dtlpy_username, password=dtlpy_password)
        dataset = dl.datasets.get(dataset_id=dataset_id)
        driver_path = dl.drivers.get(driver_id=dataset.driver).path
        # remove th Container name from the path
        file_name_to_upload = url.split(container_name)[1]
        if driver_path == '/':
            driver_path = None
        if driver_path is not None and driver_path not in url:
        if driver_path:
            if not driver_path.startswith("/"):
                driver_path = "/" + driver_path
            remote_path = file_name_to_upload.replace(driver_path, '')
            remote_path = file_name_to_upload
        if 'BlobCreated' in event.event_type:
            file_name = 'external:/' + file_name_to_upload
            dataset.items.upload(local_path=file_name, remote_path=os.path.dirname(remote_path))
  1. Deploy the code to the function app you created - For more info take a look at azure docs
  2. In VS code go to view tab -> Command Palette -> Azure Functions: Upload Local Settings
  3. Go to the Function App -> Select your function -> Configuration (Under Settings section)
    • Add the 4 secrets vars DATASET_ID , DTLPY_USERNAME , DTLPY_PASSWORD , CONTAINER_NAME (the container to add a trigger)
      To populate the values for the vars: DTLPY_USERNAME , DTLPY_PASSWORD you'll need to create a DataLoop Bot on your Dataloop project using the following code:
import dtlpy as dl
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='project name')
bot = project.bots.create(name='serviceAccount', return_credentials=True)
print('username: ',
print('password: ', bot.password)
  1. Go to Function App -> Select your function -> Navigate in the sidebar to the functions tab and select your function ->
    Integration -> Select the trigger -> Create Event Grid subscription
    • Event Schema -> Event Grid Schema
    • Topic Types -> Storage Account (Blob & GPv2)
    • Select your Subscription, Resource Group, Resource
    • System Topic Name -> your Event Grid Topic (if you do not have one create it)
    • Filter to Event Types -> Create and Delete
    • Endpoint Type -> Function App (Azure function)
    • Endpoint -> your function

NOTE: It will take up to 5 minutes when you deploy using auto upstream

Done! Now your storage blob will be synced with the Dataloop dataset