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UI Toolbars

  • Toolbars are a collection of buttons or icons that represent specific actions or features. These buttons are dynamically generated based on the context and available applications.

When are we going to need toolbars?

  • When we have a function that we would like to execute from a button rendered in the platform
  • When we have a panel (UI Application) that we would like to open from a button rendered in the platform

The current available toolbar locations in the platform

  • datasetsDashboard - Currently available in both the Datasets and Project Overview pages. img.png
  • datasetBrowser - Not available for regular users yet img_1.png
  • datasetMenu - Currently available in the dataset menu in both the Datasets and Project Overview pages. img_2.png
  • taskMenu - Available in the task menu in the Tasks page. img_3.png
  • itemMenu - Available in the right-click item menu in the Dataset Browser. img_4.png
  • projectActions - Available in the Project Actions menu in the Project Overview page. img_5.png

Toolbar Structure in a DPK/App entity

interface Toolbar {
    displayName: string  // The text that will be rendered in the button - for example: 'Click me!'
    conditions?: {  // DQL filter options
        resources: [
                entityType: string  // Dataloop Entity to run the DQL on - dataset, task, project, etc.
                filter?: Dictionary  // DQL filter
    invoke: {
        type: 'panel' | 'function'
        namespace: string  // serviceName.moduleName.functionName || panelName
        inputOptions?: Dictionary  // Additional inputs - { key: value }
    location?:  // when not mentioned - shows up everywhere!
        'datasetsDashboard' |
        'datasetBrowser' |
        'datasetMenu' |
        'taskMenu' |
        'itemMenu' |
    icon?: string  // the icon that will be rendered in the button - for example: 'icon-dl-add'
  • Possible icons:

Toolbar Examples in a DPK/App entity

  "toolbars": [
      "displayName": "Open Panel",  // toolbar display name
      "invoke": {  // invoke options
        "type": "panel",
        "namespace": "myPanel"  // name of the panel
      "icon": "icon-dl-add",
      "location": "datasetsDashboard",  // slot location
      "conditions": {  // DQL filter options
        "resources": []
      "displayName": "Run Function", // toolbar display name
      "invoke": {  // invoke options
        "type": "function",
        "namespace": "moduleName.functionName"
      "icon": "icon-dl-edit",
      "location": "datasetMenu",  // slot location
      "conditions": {  // DQL filter options
        "resources": [
            "entityType": "dataset",
            "filter": {
              "$and": [
                  "metadata": {
                    "myField": "helloWorld"